Monday, June 2, 2014

For laughs ! Fun post.

Sometimes you come across pictures and images where you just drop yoour jaw and stare at it ! And you go like ZOMG THAT IS SO ME ! That !
I am sharing a few images I came across on twitter where I was like Shiiiiiit-this-is-getting-creepy-it-is-exactly-how-I-think !
Few funny, some ridiculous, some thoughtful, some just What the hell images . Enjoy..
Smart girlfriends
Smart girlfriends be like…
New year
This is so funny I fell of my chair ! No really !
Me today. (or any other day)
Me today or any other day for that case..
I keep telling this to myself.
And this is what I keep telling myself. And will keep telling it even in future.
Selfie tip for men
Men and selfies, no , please NO ! *Protip*
World before social networking sites
And I think this was the era when there were no social networking sites.
things women should know about men
24 things women SHOULD know about men !
Kejriwal gets trolled !
Got any favorite?