Friday, July 25, 2014

Every woman’s BFF is now her incredible smartphone…

Dear Ordinary Human,
On one hand you have the whole world at your fingertips, and on the other you have a bird that was never taught to fly properly and lives in a city where there are bricks falling from the sky. It's sad when you realise that you have the potential to do anything on your phone, and yet you use it to play some bad bird game , clicking selfie’s in bathroom or to look at cat pictures. Extra-ordinary things don’t happen by chance.They happen to people bold enough to believe and attempt them. We have the tech version of Swiss Army knives in our pockets, and yet instead of using all the amazing tools they are equipped with, we end up using a select few, that too in an inefficient manner.Always digging your nose into notifications.How many notifications do you get per hour? From Facebook, Sms, Instagram, Twitter? Your best friend’s latest move in Farmville? Why do you have so many of them? Do yourself a favour: kill the notifications.But overtime I have hope you will realize our superpower abilities .Information revolution ,propelled by mobile technology will likely reshape your world on the order of decades but ofcourse if only you realized!This is your time, seize your simple , beautiful & powerful smartphone and exercise your superpower! Bridge the gap between smart phone and superpowers.
ASUS Zenfone ..
Haven’t you always wished for superpowers that would put you in limelight, helping you do things what others could never do and helping you see things which nobody would’ve ever dreamed of seeing?! Superpowers like downloading food, The ability to fly,The ability to move things with your thoughts, the power to pause time ,which seemed impossible  ! and then your thoughts conclude to “If only my phone had superpowers, then my smartphone would be the only gadget I’ll ever need !’
20140725_224541 It’s a tiny bird! It’s a plane!A rectangle kite….. It’s . . . your smartphone!!!
Superheroes come in all forms, including the smartphone in your pocket.We already know how awesome this invention is for making calls, checking email, and surfing the web, but today’s innovators have kicked it up a notch with some super-cool developments in your smartphone can transform you to a superhero within a matter of seconds…Taking inspiration from the all new supercool great feature coupled with a sleek design, at an incredibly pocket friendly price The Incredible ASUS Zen smartphone, I have come with my very own few superpowers I would want my smartphone to posses, which in turn would lead me to do what others can’t do and see what others can’t see!
1.Trust, help & pixiedust :
  • The all new smartphone with a superpower to help you in the kitchen …with  air gesture control ..a woman can easily control and use a phone with the help of gestures made from her hand from afar, you don’t even have to touch your phone or evento stick one’s sticky fingers on to the smartphone’s screen… Have you always ended up burning your food, adding more salt,scolded for adding less spices..your phone can now advise you and help you cook the perfect meal which would water your husbands as well as your sneaky MIL”s mouth !
cooking Women are famously known for their weight loss tamasha ! She keeps worrying about the calorie intake, unfortunately which leads to compromising on her favorite cupcake or icecream! Not anymore , use your supercool smartphone with sums up exactly how many calories are present in a spoonful of your favorite icecream and saves you the terror of how much weight you put on by indulging on that food beauty!
  • Subway seat finder : The picture below quips everything!
You don’t have stand on a noisy crowded subway or a BMTC bus for that matter ! Your super sweet phone sends sonar signals and updates you with empty seats or hot single men’s empty laps , so you can have a comfortable ride back home !
  • Always ending up sweating every time you go out grocery shopping or plain shopping? Fret not , with our new incredible superpower wala smartphone say goodbye to carrying heavy grocery bags ! The phone uses heavy laser rays to carry or more likely float those heavy 10 KG plus shopping bags for you  ! You no more have to beg your hubby/boyfriend / Undertaker types guardian to tag along with you the next time you go shopping! Your smartphone at your side can multipurpose everything with its superpower abilities!shopping bags 
  • Frequently being cheated , feeling helpless ? Not anymore . Your smartphone with its superpower abilities is now here to put a fullstop to counterfeit money and deception . The phone is installed with applications of such technology that can range from finding studs in walls to authentication of important documents. Working women could use it to detect counterfeit money immediately ! With the new Zen superpower wala phone its spreading benefits and happiness everywhere!
2.Terminator vision : Always wished your phone doubled up as a mini DSLR capturing fantabulous pictures and acted as a sort of digital X-ray, or "Terminator" vision. Using augmented-reality technology, your new incredible smartphone superimposes a layer of digital information on top of the real world. A person using this phone might see data about people they encounter or  even about deals offered inside restaurants they pass!
Photographic memory :The new smartphone is now updated with visual spatial awareness. As in, your  smartphone might be able to not only see, but also to understand its surroundings. See through walls and other physical obstacles .An inner imager chip designed in this smartphone could help it that can see through walls, wood, plastics, paper and other objects in turn helping you finding your forgotten keys, hidden wallets /papers on time !You’ll never have difficulty in finding your keys again.
The new microchip technology also gives your smartphone the ability to transform ,for example , it now has the ability to change any bank’s ATM into your own (ditto no fee), saving you loads of money *Go ahead, shower some love on THIS incredible smartphone*
Also the electromagnetic spectrum characterizes wavelengths of energy. For example, radio waves for AM and FM signals, or microwaves used for cell phones or the infrared wavelength that makes human data reading possible. You now don’t have to send scathingly horror some glances to your ex when you accidently meet him on a street or it is so much easier to avoid the company of those you hate !
avoiding ex

3.Ability to charge your phone through touch:
Seriously, we’ve all just about had it with phones dying right when we need them most.
The all new ASUS zenphone 5 built in with a  new battery pack that can fully charge your phone in a merely by touch!
Now hozzat ! HUH ! No more going to the bathroom and  not crying banging your head on finding your battery dead!
4. Self defence and shape shifting : When you think woman are the weaklings and need to ask themselves thrice before stepping out of her home, but with her new BFF incredible smartphone she is not scared or afraid of stepping out anymore, not even in the middle of the night!The below image shows you how simple the new superpower smartphone has made it for the women to scare away the shitty malicious thinking perverts lurking in the dark corners of the society. A simple press on a safe mode button on your phone, and voila the phone transmits steel like blades, which mix in your blood and sprout out from your spine! You are now free kill, strangle, gag , kick , make hundreds of holes in the perverts disgusting body!
5. A  phone doubling up as DSLR-what more can a photo frenzy woman ask for?:
Even a DSLR has some troubles with capturing photos at night, will a smart phone camera be able to surpass that?
Only one way to find out! Try using the new incredible superphone of yours , it enables you to capture images even in worst lighting conditions! The controller functions include controls for the shutter and focus, zoom and shooting mode.Photography buffs who dream a phone camera equal to their favorite point-and-shoot device will love this ubercool phone! The phone is installed with advanced camera processing tech into its body that will allow women users to alter focus on pictures after the shot and do much more besides. Photographers Assemble and click click click away those fantastic photographs!
  Isn’t is hard to endure how smartphones and tablets have changed the way we live! Lets hope our incredible smartphones are used for more better purposes like doing what other’s can’t do ,other than just social media and clicking selfie’s!
Dear extraordinary human,
You have finally chosen the right path in choosing to make the right use of the superpowers possessed by your smartphone, if this persists , trust me the world would be a better place to live in. I am thankful to you to have trusted in me and put your faith into me and putting me into good use, I promise to never let you down and be your best Friend Forever in your fears, laziness, happiness and distress.
Your’s sincerely
Asus Zen Smartphone
Picture source
This post is a part of ‘ASUS in search of Incredible campaign’ contest on Indiblogger!


  1. Love the sketches! I wish I owned a phone like you described :D

    1. Thank you Bushra ! How I wish I myself owned something even close tot his :)

  2. Great sketches! Creative entry :)
    All the best!

  3. So much the power of thy phone :D lovely :)

  4. Very well said Najm Nisa, truly smartphones are becoming the BFF of every woman, as you know we see so many security threats to women, so it is better to have such a nice phone with them. ZenFone falls in the same category...

    1. Thank you for dropping by my blog sir ! Its such a pleasure to see you comment here :) With so much advancing lets hope to get women feel more safer then before..

  5. All the Best am sure u wil make it !

  6. A great phone indeed ! :-D and lovely sketches too of luck... :-)

  7. A very fresh perspective. Very different . The sketches added the required punch.
    Hopefully some phone maker will listen to you..and we indeed would have one..someday
    Best of Luck

    1. Thank you so much for reading and appreciating it :)

  8. The sketches are innovative, well written!

  9. Ha ha. I love the use of pictures Najm and how creatively you have combined them with words for the post. A very enjoyable one indeed :).

    And make way for the superwomen of this country, for once they are not dressed in blue ;)

    1. Hehehe, yellow is the new blue ;) Thank you for dropping by Vinay, I am glad you like my not so good pictures ^_^

  10. Haha love that defense mode.. cool n creative piece.. good luck Najm :)

  11. What great drawings! My smartphone has definitely become my BFF. I also love having it at the mall when one of our friends drifts into another shop - we can find her right away.

  12. wow post..really a strong contender in winning the contest.
    really amazed from your blog and surely gonna read more.....

    Great work and creative!

    do read my entry too :)

    ~ Jasmeet
