Friday, August 16, 2013

Her work being called legendary is an understatement!

To believe in magic, to believe in dreams , to believe in beauty is something I learnt from books.
And by books I mean Harry potter !

Whenever the word 'Inspiring' pops up in my head my thoughts automatically drift to' JK rowling' 
The sensational woman behind the Magic of my childhood !

As a child I had no idea what hardships JK rowling had gone through ...
I spent hours talking about wizardry world with my siblings with great exultation ! 
Her life from rags to riches as people state has inspired millions !
A woman who bought change and SHOOK the world with her mind boggling WORK !

Her work is not just beautiful, I just don't have words to describe the 7 damn oh so awesome books !
    457 million copies sold in 67 different languages !
Her work has given the world a friend and a legend in the form Harry potter books!

The aura with which she walks the red carpet, waving to her million fans with a splendid smile, not many would know what hardships she has faced !
She actually gave up on her dreams and lived the fantasy !From realizing her  worth and striving to rise against odds.From poverty and depression to fame and power to winning several acclaimed awards to becoming She is the Mia woman !From all the ups and downs to standing out as a winner just like the Mia jewelry stands out !!!
Integrity, love, poise, beauty all rolled into one superwomen!

From being a depressed single mother to becoming one of the world's most recognised woman for her work! Her story teaches us to never give up on our dreams even in sombre days of life. Her passion for her work and fierceness has got not just me but millions across the globe to be inspired!

Her work is as magical as finely crafted jewelry ! Mystical , magical , mythical like the Mia jewlery masterpieces !She is gorgeous, selfless, amazing, highly intelligent and contemporary !

She Ran the race!
She won the world !A true Revolunishta !The True MIA woman!

This post is a part of the 'As beautiful as your work' contest held by Tanishq

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